New Administrative Capital
The New Administrative Capital is the future capital of the Arab Republic of Egypt. It is located in the governorate of Cairo and managed through the Administrative Capital Company – New Urban Development. The new capital is established by decision no. 57 of in 2016 by the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt Abdel Fattah El- Sisi.
The total area of the city is approximately 170 thousand acres (688 km2). It is about 60 km east of Cairo, from the Ain Sokhna and Suez about 65 km from the west, which is planned to accommodate approximately 6.5 million people when its construction phases are fully completed.
It is larger than Singapore and four times larger than Washington, the capital of the United States.
Dawn Town in the Administrative Capital
Downtown is one of the most important investment areas in the new administrative capital.
This area is in the middle of the new capital and it also connects all vital places with each other. One of the most important places are central station, Almasa hotel, green river, ministries district and opera.